July 24

Hi all,

Posts and comments are increasing at fexandcoo.website on the relation between fictional narrative and the psyche

prompted by the novel Fex & Coo by Russ Lockhart and Paco Mitchell. Join in!

Paco's essays, "The Coming Storm" and "The Flamenco Letra" are now available at the website paraceleteofcaborca.com

This site is now available for registration.

A question I get asked a lot is what am I reading now and what articles have impacted me.

I'm currently enjoying Stephen King's new novel, The Insitute. I'll have some comments on this soon.

I've been a follower of Camille Paglia for many years and was quite taken with an article entitled

"Camille Paglia declares cinema done." Read it here: Camille Paglia declares cinema done | electric ghost

Umair Haque is a writer I follow. He is not a mincer. A recent essay: "We're Losing the Battle for the Future."

You can read it here: We’re Losing the Battle for the Future | by umair haque | Jul, 2021 | Eudaimonia and Co (eand.co)

Watch for the first edition of the Owl & Heron Newsletter.


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Have a good weekend!

