And then …
4 the dream, the voice from the speakers announced that it has been decided at the highest levels that because of the inherent weaknesses of humans, they no longer would be the keepers of state secrets but that this responsibility would now be the sole prerogative of state computers. All levels of security clearance for humans have been canceled and appropriate levels of security for computers has been completed. All government employees, appointed officials, and elected officers have been assigned specific computers to which they must now consult in the course of doing their official duties. It has been further announced that this policy is not subject to change.
Comment from Suzan on Russ’ post “And then….”
To all, to each, quiet but sure steps. Inch by inch, each snowflake packed into the massive, melting collective glacier, the imperceptible seeping and separation, the solid mass just oozing, a growing disquiet, the silent but sure calling up of the leukocytes at the inchoate, still inaudible breach. “Yes. The Adriatic waters are just below the cobblestones.” Oh come now. We do know. We invented God, you know, who then invented us. When you are God, you believe you have Him in you, the belief that your soul is God, your body is God. Your Earth is God. Your Power is God. Your Freedom is God. In the blinking of an eye, oh no, you are a pair of hands, serving the Machine. And you slowly begin to know it. There is no way out, but to serve the subterranean machine.
Only the voice of the heart will do. She speaks in waves of love, remembrances of the minutia of daily sweetnesses, still in your power, you know. The slow-coming body knowledge that it is only the heart which cures. Listen to her voice. Is it too late?