The Crow’s Appointment … from a dream
Crow waddles in, refuses the couch,
hops atop the stolid oak desk.
“A bit unusual,” I’d say.
Not at all, I’m always black.
“No wish for white then?”
None at all. Black is best you know.
“You seem ok with being a crow and being black.
What’s your problem then?”
No problem. But I’ve had what you hue mans call a dream.
“Well, then, tell me the dream.”
You mean for free?
“Well, then, what’s your fee?”
Three thousand of your US dollars per dream.
“That’s insane!”
So, as a hue man, what would you pay for a crow dream?
“The whole idea of paying for a dream is absurd!”
Hmmm. Insane. Absurd. The rule of three requires a third.
“Let me think. How about harebrained.”
You got something against hares? No feathers, I admit.
“We will have to continue this next time. Your hour is up.”
But it’s only been thirteen minutes.
“Economics. We’re on the thirteen-minute hour now.”
Insane! Absurd! Harebrained!
Ha! I wrote this a couple of days ago. The crow reference is at the end!
of the seven sermons
the ghost of a word
i may have had
with you in
some past
some PTST
some karmic
clues of a wisdom
unfathomable by a science
of repeatability—prove your life
we make leaps of faith
in love in dreams
go back a year
what is left
of the cat
sitting as if
she were Egyptian
we must assume Cairo
is still somewhere in Africa
east of the ruins of old Carthage
it is not that i am being glib
certain parameters stick
but philosophy gave up
on numbers last century
physicists fiddle with their
Standard Model & having found
the God Molecule still fiddle some more
the horizon disappears underfoot
the there of things a shiftless
drifter dropping loose leaves
of the scribblings of men
sane & not so sane
we have to listen
to the all of it
maybe it will
be clear in
put it
in your
back pocket
in your purse
a cedar chest
the family Bible
imagine an old crow
hopping thru
your open
door with
a letter
in its beak
the damn thing
is addressed to you
you unseal it
the single
sheet of
is blank
turn it over
& now you know
August 10, 2017