December 10

I did my analytical training in the late 60s and early 70s. I was

fortunate to have met and been taught by many people who

had direct experience with Jung. From time to time I’ll post

a memory of those times.

     One such figure was the gnostic scholar, Gilles Quispel, an

extraordinary many by any measure. He was instrumental in

securing the Jung Codex for purchase by the Institute in Zurich

as a birthday present for Jung.

     The memory that stands out to me is one training seminar

in the early days. At one point, as we were discussing the nature

of “mystery,” he stopped us. He put his index figure to his lips

as if telling us to hush a bit. Then he said something I’ll never


Mystery is not to be solved, or resolved, or dissolved. Mystery

is to be embraced, loved, and out of that will comes one’s

deepest sense of life, meaning, and purpose.

I remember thinking then that dreams are a mystery and what Quispel

was saying was true of dreams as well.