March 22

"Present bias" is thought to be "hard-wired" in the human brain. This was largely developed as an evolutionary necessity. It takes both cognitive and emotional forms. The "future" plays little role in present bias. Thus, present profit outweighs consideration of what longer-term harm may ensue from activities that produce present profit. Present political necessity far outweighs any consideration of the future. "Personal bias" likewise over weights personal gain in relation to gain for the many. The contemporary world has seen these processes escalate to degrees never before witnessed and unless changed, will continue to amass fortune and power only for a very few at the expense of the many. This is the natural outcome of what Bernays understood and projected. The major problem is that little if any of the immense global wealth and political power is being directed toward the catastrophic changes in global environments. Present bias keeps most everyone focused on the here and now, the seeming crucial news of the day, current elections, entertainments, and new gadgets. It is hard to look square into the face of what we have done to ourselves and to other life forms. Not only is denial a problem, but it is also not clear whether, in fact, anything can be done to change what is now in progress.  Again, only an enantiodromia of major degree will change the course of how we relate to this process.