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A new gem from Evangeline Rand, Ph.D.

July 11

Coming soon from Chiron Publications








G. Jung as Artisan: Cross Connections with India, Considerations in Times of Crisis is a richly illustrated, carefully interwoven tapestry of cosmological cycles with depths of travelling, trade, and commercial significance through geographical history and politics, and the spread of philosophical, religious, and scientific ideas. Indeed, Jung’s short but extensive 1937–38 journey to India was on behalf of the Silver Jubilee of the Indian Science Congress Association in conjunction with the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Travel as alchemical exploration, in particular the journey through the difficult passage of the Isthmus of Suez and the later Suez Canal—ancient and contemporary mercurial transitional pivot point between East and West with Alexandrian highlights, was crucial to Jung’s opus.

India’s fabulous cloth creations, coupled with ancient skills of natural dyeing, have a complex place in global trade. Having lost this pre-industrial natural alchemy, the world of fashion has become second only to the oil industry as global polluters. An archived business card indicated that Jung had visited “cloth merchants and manufacturers” in the South India city of Madurai when he and his travel companion had branched off on their own enquiries. Further tiny clues in Jung’s biography, freshly discovered, provide linking threads to the significance of fabric rooted in the matrix of Jung’s life. They thread across time and space to a particular contemporary group of Indian and Canadian artisans, inspired by Gandhi, weaving ancient skills with a contemporary effort to engage with sustainable eco-ethics and economy—Sophia’s wisdom of the sensual.

Physicist Wolfgang Pauli, deeply inspired by his own travel to India, highlighted for Jung the significance of primary number and Euclidean geometry for what the “unknown woman” wants to say—ancient and contemporary, wholehearted and particular—that Jung began to illuminate at the end of the Second World War and is further embroidered here through the tenfold geometric tetractys of the second century Axiom of Maria—the prophetess, Miriam the Jewess, still a potential spirit guide. The overall intent of the book is to prepare ground for an expanded sense of Self through which to consider Depth Psychology in its aesthetic contributions as crucial to global, practical, and political well-being.

Description by Evangeline L. M. Rand

Post by ral



July 6

David Blum’s Long Awaited Book Now Available

July 1
David Blum’s long-awaited book, “Appointment with the Wise Old Dog: A Bridge to the Transformative Power of Dreams,” provides the necessary, comprehensive complement to his highly regarded 1998 documentary. The film, “Appointment with the Wise Old Dog: Dream Images in a Time of Crisis,” crystallized his inner work as it related to his cancer experience. A private link of the entire DVD is included with the book.
In contrast to the DVD, this book contains the foundational work comprised of forty-three dream paintings and commentaries derived from a lifetime of numinous archetypal dreams so that Blum’s cancer experience turns out to be only a part of his whole life’s story, a coda to his thirty-five-year inner journey.
The primary sources of David’s Blum’s commentaries, his diaries and dream journals, date from his seventeenth to his sixty-fourth year. This crucible into which he poured his most intimate confessions contains the living spontaneity of his original experiences remarkably intact. By re-entering the dream state and allowing the images to speak to him, Blum gently leads the reader into his world of color, form, music and the mapping of his soul.
The language, unhampered by jargon or weighty terminology, always remains accessible to the lay reader drawn to inner transformation. This work resonates with the musician, the artist, the theologian, the psychologist and the patient — whether facing a terminal illness or not. It offers the rare potential to communicate our shared capacity to explore multiple levels of meaning, acting as a springboard into one’s own inner experience. Anyone interested in the power of dreams, the transformative effect of symbols and archetypes, or faced with any existential crisis will find this book inspirational.
The author, an internationally recognized musician and writer, brings rich musical depth to the material. One of America’s musical icons, Yo-Yo Ma, Blum’s friend and colleague, has expressed a profound appreciation for the work in his endorsements of both the DVD and the book.
By his inspired Foreword, Murray Stein offers the reader, concerned with humanity’s inner spiritual life, an individual template for experiencing Blum’s extraordinary contribution to Depth Psychology.
Appointment with the Wise Old Dog: A Bridge to the Transformative Power of Dreams - Chiron Publications

Looking forward to walking the streets again…

June 22

Sidewalk Kingdom

He claimed the corner sidewalk his domain
the traffic signal his moat control:
green, inviting pedestrians to risk wild
gesticulations, raucous shouts and such;
red, producing claims of victory
and a dance of celebratory turnings.
The old woman pulling a half-filled cart
got half-way across on green, saw
the corner king, turned, scrambled back.
Next, a young mother, pushing a stroller
with babe shielded from the king’s view,
finally saw and heard and froze.
The king was jubilant as he watched
the stricken mom and breaking cars
he stomped and bellowed joy
almost falling as I asked his back,
“Do you dream? In the night?”
He turned, his turn for fright.
“Scratch and ramble,” he threatened
as if it was enough to send me away.
“Itch and bramble,” I answered back.
He cocked his head in listening pose
“Tell me then and the money’s yours.”
He eyed the dollar I waved around.
“Fire,” he yelled, as passersby took
a wide berth. “Fire, fire,” screaming
at the averting eyes. “Does the fire
touch you?” He cocks his head again.
“Always.” he answers, “ It never
hurts. Never burns.” “Passion,” I say.
“We need some chalk,” I continue.
“Chalky chalk and chalky talk.”
Cocks his head to hear what I’ll say.
“Yellow and red are all we need.
Stay, I’ll get some from the drug store.”
Chalk as medication I mutter to myself.
Chalk in hand, I bend down, draw
flames around the borders of one of
the squares on the corner sidewalk.
“Get in,” I say, “and sit down,” I
instruct. “Here’s the chalk; it’s yours.
Use it when you occupy a corner again.”
From Dreams From the Street

June 21

Follow up “Enterview” to The Final Interlude


Follow up to The Final Interlude 

Rob Henderson’s Enterview with Russell Lockhart
is a follow up to the publication of The Final Interlude. 

Here is the link:

Comments welcome: ral@ralockhart.com
The Final Interlude may be purchased at Amazon:

“Do not follow the path of the hypotenuse”

June 8

After more than five decades of working with dreams, I find that more and more dreams are “voice” dreams, that is, without any imagery, only an auditory voice, most often male, but female too. These dreams are often oracular in nature and feeling, with the expression not to be doubted--even if it is not immediately understood. Sometimes, the voice content takes on the character of a simple instruction: “Look for three pennies in the gutter.” I do not ignore voice dreams and make every effort to listen and attend to these instantiations of what feels like wisdom quite beyond any sense of my consciousness. So I look out for the pennies in the gutter. I do not find them in a gutter but in a rain puddle outside the stairs leading into a local drug store. Three bright and shiny pennies. In a future post, I’ll comment more on the significance of such synchronicity and why synchronicities are “paths” into the future.

A rather gruff voice announces, “Do not follow the path of the hypotenuse.” When I wrote the dream down, I also drew a right triangle. I looked at the hypotenuse and noted that it is the shortest distance between the two extreme points, or, as is usually said, the longest side of a right triangle. I see two paths: the hypotenuse path and the “angle” path as two ways to reach the “end” point. I spontaneously think of the hypotenuse path as “cutting corners,” as it would be traversing the straight and narrow. Bachelard’s delicious reverie on corners comes to mind, as does my own writing on the goddess of corners: Angerona. She is also the goddess of silence and the suffering of silence. I explored many aspects of Angerona in my essay, “Psyche in Hiding,” which is available in Words As Eggs. Her etymology derives from angles. To “be cornered” gives us a sense of why the path of suffering is rejected in favor of the straight and narrow. But fate always finds a way to corner us, and now, even our whole species is cornered, and faced with the suffering of extinction. Who wants to go there? But for me, if I follow the oracular voice, I must go there, I must not cut corners, must reject the straight and narrow, and seek out some way to “be with” what now seems an inevitability.

Angerona’s statue is hidden away in the Sacellum Volupiae, the Roman Sanctuary of Pleasure. How does one find pleasure in suffering? This seems related to my dream of celebrating the final Raganrök. These could be interpreted as pathological tendencies, but I think something deeper is at work: a true facing of what’s coming.


May 25

They call her Stranger

Not because she is one

She’s well known hereabouts



She’d tell a joke and end it

with “there’s no line to punch”

and burst out laughing


She’d start a story and in no time

she’d announce “to be continued”

and burst out laughing


She’d issue commands general like

only to shout “At ease! At ease!”

and burst out laughing


She’d make loud purring sounds

taunting the guys to “Pet me! Pet me!”

and burst out laughing


I sidled up to her

calling out, “Hi Stranger”

and burst out laughing


You calling me Stranger mister?

what do they call you?

and she burst out laughing


“Stranger Still,” I said

smiling as best I could

and burst out laughing


She laughed and laughed

our eyes meeting there

both laughing and laughing

Essential reading from Aeon …

May 25

The Warped Self

Social media makes us feel terrible about who we really are. Neuroscience explains why – and empowers us to fight back -- Mark Miller and Ben White


I have written about the importance of Guy DeBord before:

An essential text for our time is Guy Debord's "The Society of the Spectacle." We are all complicit in the spell of spectacle and it is making us sick. Debord's idea of "lived time," points the way to why I believe dreams are so crucial as the medicine for the future. Debord's book is available free at this link:

The Situationist International Text Library/The Society of the Spectacle

The Situationist International Text Library/The Society of the Spectacle
Self-proclaimed leader of the Situationist International, Guy Debord was certainly responsible for the longevity and high profile of Situationist ideas, although the equation of the SI with Guy Debord would be misleading. Brilliant but autocratic, Debord helped both unify situationist praxis and des…

The Alternative Reality Virus (ARV)

May 16

The alternate reality virus continues to spread unabated.
I eagerly look for what might counter this infection and find nothing.
There is no treatment. There is no vaccine mental or otherwise.
Everyone is at risk of the virus itself or its consequences from others.

Below is One One of my reflections. In Part Two, I'll continue to explore
the consequences of this plague and what, if anything, one can do in the
face of it.

The Alternative Reality Virus (ARV): Part One

The ancient Rule of Three enables an understanding of things more than when attention has a singular focus.

For example, right now, most everyone is focused on the pandemic caused by the Corona Virus. What else is going on synchronously? One thing is the financial fallout from the pandemic, which is causing economic harm on a large scale at all levels (countries, corporations, small businesses, individuals). Countries and central banks are scrambling to bring economic relief before the world-wide economy spirals into recession, or deeper into depression. As bracing as these realities are, my sense is they may pale in light of what I will call the “alternate reality” virus (ARV).

As background, I encourage you to read a sample of my work on this, in blog posts entitled, "They Say," “Return to Normal?,” “Collapse,” “Mind Parasites.” and “The Meaning of Not Human.” You can access these pieces here:


My work on the "Trump" pieces has followed from an overflow of inchoate intimations concerning the present state of the world and its future. At all levels, I see the regressive pull of the past, from wanting to return to some prior glory to trying to understand the present situation through the vehicles of past understanding. We cannot go back and we cannot understand the future while looking backward. We can only open ourselves to witnessing the full horror that is happening in and to the world, in and to human beings, in and to the rest of life on earth. There is an enormous fear of and loathing for the strange, for otherness, for difference, for incongruity, for disparity, for doubt—all those qualities that Keats pointed to as characterizing "negative capability." If we don't welcome these things, as Baucis and Philemon welcomed the "strangers who were gods," then we will experience the fate of the villagers who locked the doors, who sent the strangers away, who did not welcome the divine visitors? Their fate was to die in a great flood, leaving only the generous-hearted Baucis and Philemon alive. And, yes, I am aware of the irony of referring "back" to Baucis and Philemon. It's like the "hope" left in Pandora's box. My deeper intuition, however, is that hope is gone as well. "Something else" is in store. Of this, I am convinced.

Mental viruses such the ARV are contagious almost beyond comprehension, particularly with the mechanisms of the internet enabling the spread in unpredictable and unstoppable ways. There is no sure way to diagnose ARV, there is no way to stop it, and there is no treatment. Some regular features of ARV are the denial of reality, the denial of facts, denial of truth, certainty and conviction of the truth of conspiracies, a mounting degree of emotional intensity leading to absolute intolerance of anything and everything outside the bubble created by the ARV.

The ARV disables rational thought and excites emotional reactions beyond normal boundaries and advocates physical actions to force the alternate realities on everyone, including violence and willful law-breaking.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, embodies all of these features of the ARV and is a prime example of the disorder and destruction that follows from the combination of power and infection with ARV.

The ARV is a normal feature of human behavior, limited generally to a small percentage of the population. But ARV, like all viruses, mutates and has the potential of becoming more infectious leading to large numbers of carriers as well as those exhibiting full-blown symptoms of the ARV. One can be a carrier as well as suffering the consequences of infection without any realization of this. Generally, self-reflection is one of the first casualties of infection. Without self-reflection, consciousness becomes increasingly degraded and becomes a casualty of the infection. Impenetrable unconsciousness then becomes the dominant feature. When this is so, any form of rational argument or persuasion becomes ineffective.

Social attraction of those infected by ARV increases, so that further loss of individuality becomes another casualty. Groups ensure even further infection of ARV until mass-mindedness becomes complete. When mass-mindedness becomes coupled with power in the form of organization, money, politics, etc., the degree of collective damage that results can be extreme. This can become a factor in societal and cultural collapse.

In Part Two, I will take up the issue of what can be done—if anything— to lessen the power of those infected with ARV and to limit the damage that is inevitable if ARV is unchecked.

Still lurking and in control of the Republican party

May 14

Meanwhile, the most recent advance in theoretical physics declares that time is fundamental and space is emergent.

While pondering these two things, track what comes to mind.