In response to my "poetry invited post, blog member Estela Bourque has offered up a poem expressing what many are feeling, what many are questioning. There are no sure-footed answers yet, but immersing oneself in these questions and others swirling about, is something worth doing.
A State of Disbelief
These days I live in a
State of disbelief
As thousands of people succumb
To an invisible force and
Structures crumble in submission.
There is no sense to be made
Of this foe that has arrived
On the doorstep of humans
Unwelcome in its vengeance.
Where has this enemy come from?
Some speculate that it escaped from a lab
Others say it is conspiracy borne
Still others say it is Nature’s revenge
Against the exploitation of life by humans.
It has arrived during a dark time on Earth
When humans no longer live in harmony
With Nature or the Cosmos
But instead have gouged and destroyed
The land and habitat of animals
In pursuit of wealth and power.
Now the search is on for an antidote
A vaccine that will eradicate the virus
And once again restore the power of
Humans over Nature without
A deeper lesson being learned.
What is the lesson?
That humans cannot control life
And continue to exploit it
For their benefit alone
Instead they need to cherish the
Gifts bestowed upon us all
With love, care and gratitude.
These days I wonder . . .
Where is the wisdom that will
Lead us back to the Holy Grail.