November 27


A recent dream pictured a stack of manuscript pages with the title page showing. This dream, like several other dreams in the  past, came with a sense of task, as if I was being presented with something to do. I am used to this feeling, and quite a number of my articles and books have had their origin in such dreams.

These dreams arrive from somewhere outside my conscious intention, but obviously having their origin in the intentionality of “something other.”  I don’t need anything else on my plate just now, yet I cannot ignore what has been presented to me by what I have called the “presentational psyche.”

I have decided to post this dream on my blog as a way to publicly commit to the project because it feels crucial to me.

Here is the image from my dream.


The dream image shows the title, the subtitle, my name and my press, along with the publication date. What was startling to me was that the image was presented in the typeface of the 1956 Olympia portable typewriter I just received for my birthday. I realized that if I was to fully follow the intention of the dream, I would have to write this “book” …if that is to be what it is… on this typewriter.

Here is my “provisional” introduction. I say provisional, because what I will be posting in this blog is my original typescript pages. I trust you will tolerate this reversion to older technology, without the modern convenience of automatic error correction and other such wonders. I encourage feedback. I will use your feedback later on when I begin to edit whatever this project turns into.


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