July 16



I walked Market Street today

you know that place

junk stores and some say junk people

where I tried on that Greek fisherman's

cap authentic at 10.99

my head was too big my head was too big

my head is too big became a chorus right there

on Market Street but no one heard

except this guy who shot out of that store

like an unguided missile whose any target

will do meant me and this junked man

he crashed into me and when I said sorry

like mama taught me to do in all special

circumstances he only said in a commander's

voice supreme at ease and in the very next breath

was shocked into recognition of who was soldier

and who was commander exactly and that junked

man commander saluted my head too big

and shouted with respect in-boned yes sir yes sir

and I knew that from analyst to commander on

Market Street is not an easy promotion

yet I took his gift of rank and its cap just right

when I heard him shout at ease and saw him

salute and yes sir yes sir even to that girl

with one arm that girl not even bumped

into became a commander too on

Market Street today

when girls are commanders who will be nurses

who will be nurses on Market Street

when that man that mad man

has made commanders of us all

it will be yes it will be madness

yes madness itself yes because

on Market Street where I walked

today is where madness is

psyche's only nurse.


Lockhart, Russell. Psyche Speaks: A Jungian Approach to Self and World. The Lockhart Press. Kindle Edition.

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