ral's notebook …access to all of ral's online activities


November 18

The ZYZggMLY Council

You’ve not heard of the ZYZggMLY Council.
Nor had I until last night’s dream. It won’t
make the headlines, but consider it news.
Don’t bother to Googleit, you won’t find it.
Here’s what I’ve learned so far, just today.
The Council has little use for humans
but on occasion the Council votes to probe
to see if anything has changed among humans.
I was told to focus on the little g’s until
my brain begins to flicker, and, yes, they
quoted this description of contact as AE
had described it. So, they know stuff. As
I focused and my brain flickered, I began
to see it and it was an opening, a space
in the fog of my flickering brain. I was told
it was the portal to the Library of the Not Yet.
I could see volumes that one might call books
but these were as if composed of dancing light.
And there was a complexity of sound one might
call music and yet it was so much more.
“Enough for now,” a whisper informed.
Tomorrow, I will focus again on the little g’s.

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November 2

Important Book Now Available

I’m pleased to let you know that Shira Marin’s Shards of a Broken Mystery The Restoration of Hekate, is now available for purchase on Amazon (https://goo.gl/sgGsjR). This is an important and timely book that readers will find invaluable in navigating the current cultural climate which increasingly devalues and degrades, not only women, but the feminine at all levels of life.

I invite you to read my Foreword to Shira’s book. Here is the link:


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October 28

Have you not imagined yourself
the far bank of a fast-flowing stream?
A purple gazelle flying over train tracks
traversed by ungainly tawny lizards?
One of the hobos gathering around
the fire barrel rubbing shoeless feet?

No? Then consider this:

Your dreams provide what’s necessary
to ignite the story engine of your imagination.
It’s not you generating these odd images and
the inchoate story lines awaiting your tending.
It’s something other, something else, something
beyond reckoning, even beyond money’s grasp.

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Just Sayin’…

October 27


Of the people, by the people, for the people


Of the corporatocracy

By the corporatocracy

For the corporatocracy



???? ??? ?????? ??? ????? ????? ? ?????????? [1 Timothy 6:10]


???? = a root

??? = for

?????? = all kinds

????? = of evils

????? = is

? = the

?????????? = love of money

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Dim and Wit

October 25

Dim and Wit were beside themselves

Their Velcro tether had come undone

Dim had no clue as to why and wherefore

Wit waited for something clever to say


The unbinding of Dim and Wit

Had consequences no one foresaw


Dim’s cluelessness spread far and wide

From the highest provinces of power

To the lowest geographies of habitation


Wit’s waiting for something clever

Has not yet been rewarded or answered

The muteness spreads throughout the land


Virally. An end no one had expected

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Parasitic Poison

October 21

Parasitic Poison

Parasitic poison spills down from the top

infecting everything, infecting everyone.

There is no escape, no refuge, no safe harbor.

You, me, and others believe we are resistant,

immune, protected—a most dangerous belief.


The axioma of truth has been raped and broken;

these crimes against life and love become virtues.

Who would have imagined this second coming,

coming in this way, in this form, in this style?

Yeats, that’s who, who saw, who saw, who saw.


The beast slouching toward everywhere gives rise

to hope for some and despair for many and passionate

intensity among the worst. Yes, things are falling apart.

There is no center to hold. While awaiting the revelation

of the falcon or of something else not yet revealed


—look to dreams

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Now Available!

October 17
Jung`s Red Book For Our Time: Searching for Soul under Postmodern Conditions
Paperback – October 11, 2017
by Murray Stein (Editor), Thomas Arzt (Editor)
My essay is entitled, "Appassionato for the Imagination"
I'm looking forward to reading other's contributions. This is the first of three volumes.
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Kandinsky’s Dot Meets the Red Queen

October 12

Kandinsky’s Dot Meets the Red Queen

                 Everything starts from a dot —Kandinsky

Dot. Everything starts with me.

Red Queen. Even your end, I should think,
which may be sooner than you think,
if I’ve anything to do with it.

Dot. You’ve no right to threaten me!

Red Queen. Right? Right! Left to my own devices,
of which I‘ve many, then no more dot.
No dot. No starting. Just ending. My favorite!

Dot. You can’t be serious.

Red Queen. Well I can be anything I want, even a dot!

Dot. I don’t see how that’s possible.

Red Queen. No fun only seeing the possible. The impossible
is so much more interesting.

Dot. That’s nonsense.

Red Queen. Of course! Everything starts from nonsense you know.
You might say, but I will say, nonsense is a dot.

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October 4

The Mind Parasites


I’ve never embraced Colin Wilson’s philosophy of “existential optimism,” but I have devoured his work and feasted on his provocative and insightful ideas for many years. His work is a veritable garden of delights even if that delight comes in the form of horror. I’ve been re-reading his novel, The Mind Parasites (1967), a Lovecraftian-inspired work that embodies his aim of trying to create a “new type of novel.” What has become punctum[1] for me in this reading, is a feeling that the image of mind parasites is so apt as an image for thinking about our current political and cultural climate. Before I go into this directly, it will help to lay out some orienting observations.

We are aware of “virus” both in its biological and cyberlogical meanings and how both spread collectively. The word “virus” is Latin for “poison.” Virus is the most abundant life form, though its “living” status is more an “in-between” life form. Virus infection kills the host cell and can be quite lethal to the whole organism. The small pox virus brought to the Americas by Europeans killed more than 70% of the indigenous population. The Spanish Flu killed upward of 100 million people world-wide. Often there is little or no treatment for viral infections—particularly new ones. Security agencies are constantly looking for signs of virus, both biological and cyberlogical, that could be used as terrorist weapons.

A parasite works differently. The parasite takes up residence in a host and uses the host’s resources to satisfy the parasite’s survival needs. It does not work to kill the host, but to increase consumption of the host’s resources as well as changing the host’s behavior to secure the parasite’s ultimate aim—its propagation. The parasite conceals itself so that the host has little or no awareness of the parasite itself. The parasite is immune to efforts to treat it by treating the “symptoms” alone. The host can suffer in many ways: mental, emotional, and physiological. In a sense, the parasite “takes over” control of the host. While we know about parasites as living organisms, most are not aware of cyberlogical parasites. The best known example is the “bot,” which is a robotic script that takes up residence in one computer after another and begins its “feeding” off the host in various ways, often without any knowledge on the part of the computer user, as well as changing the behavior of the host systems.

Everyone who uses a computer connected to the internet is as risk. And like a parasite, the limits to which the parasite can grow in enabling is own ends to the detriment of the host (our computers and by extension almost every aspect of our life) are at present unbounded. The more everything becomes “smart” and “connected” the more we are at risk. To cite just one example from a recent report: “Bots are feasting on the economic bloodstream of the digital age.”[2] I believe it is useful to think of parasites in various forms: as biological, cyberlogical, and psychological entities.[3]

Using biological entities in cyberlogical and psychological space is a form of analogical research and a productive way of thinking (reasoning) “outside the box.”[4] We do this naturally in forming language metaphors. For example, we use the word “parasite” to speak of someone who “exploits others and gives nothing in return.” We might think of such behavior as the result of parasitic invasion. A parasitic invasion “takes over” and controls the behavior of the host. If we imagine that parasites can be spread in many ways (as are actual parasites), then we can imagine the spread of cultural, political and psychological mind parasites as an unsuspected form of control of human behavior.

With the ever increasing interaction of climate change processes in or entering in exponential phases, it is quite likely that biological parasites will become an evermore virulent phenomenon. With the increasing interaction of cyberlogical systems (the internet), which are also likely entering into exponential phases of penetration, it is quite likely that our interaction with cyber systems will become pervasive, ubiquitous and unpredictable. This would naturally include robotic systems of all types. And with the ever increasing exposure to psychological parasites of all kinds, we can expect increasing degrees of instability of traditional ways of functioning at all levels at both an individual and collective level.

The following questions, among others, I’ll take up in future posts on this topic are:

1.How do mind parasites spread? What purposes do they serve?

  1. In addition to natural mind parasites, how are they engineered, and by whom (people,

            computers, robots, etc.)

  1. Is everyone infected? Are there natural immunities? Is there any treatment for brain

            processes destroyed by mind parasites?

  1. What characteristics “invite” or encourage mind parasite takeover?
  2. What cognitive biases are a result of mind parasites?
  3. When mind parasites take over, they likely destroy what we think of as the best human qualities and replace these qualities with parasitic qualities. This is how humans become parasites.
  4. An insidious form of mind parasite is “money.” The danger of this is unreognized.

[1] Punctum is Roland Barthes’ term for the element in a photograph that attracts his psyche autonomously and makes the photograph “exist” for him. It is contrasted with stadium, which embodies the photographer’s intentionality. The value of this distinction has wide relevance. See Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1981.

[2] Kellerman, Tom. “BOTS: Cyber-Parasites.” World Bank Security Team, July 2004.

[3] I use the term “entities” deliberately to emphasize the sense of “foreign” life (of whatever form) along the lines that Jung intended when he wrote, “We would do well, therefore, to think of the creative process as a living thing implanted in the human psyche.” Jung, C. G. “On the Relation of Analytical Psychology to Poetry.” CW: The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature. Vol. 15, Para. 115. The question arises as to whether this sense of “implant” is different than parasite. This topic will be the subject of a future blog post.

[4] For emphasizing the value of analogical research, I am indebted to Dr. Mils Hills, of the Northampton Business School in the UK. His paper, “A New Perspective on the Achievement of Psychological Effects from Cyber Warfare Payloads: The Analogy of Parasitic Manipulation of Host Behavior” (Journal of Law & Cyber Warfare, Vol. 1, Winter 2012, Issue 1, p. 209-217) has proven invaluable to me.

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Dream Deprivation

September 30

An epidemic of dream deprivation: Unrecognized health hazard of sleep loss

Most everyone is aware of the dangers of sleep deprivation. A natural consequence of sleep deprivation is dream deprivation. However, since so little attention is paid to dreams among sleep researchers and the general population, the mental and physical health consequences of dream deprivation have received scant attention. I have harped on this for a long time but now there is some major attention being paid to this issue. Rubin Naiman, Ph.D., a sleep and dream specialist at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, has published a major review of the available literature. His article is entitled, “Dreamless: the silent epidemic of REM sleep loss.” This paper is part of a volume devoted to “Unlocking the Unconscious: exploring the Undiscovered Self,” published by the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Naiman concludes that dream loss is an unrecognized health hazard having major effects on physical illness, depression, and the debilitation of consciousness. I’m hopeful that this major study will escalate research into this woefully untended problem that effects physical and mental health world-wide.

Here's the link: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/09/170929093254.htm

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