ral's notebook …access to all of ral's online activities


July 25

My son's latest book, "Arithmetic" ha just been published by Harvard University Press. This is unlike anything you ever learned about arithmetic and continues Paul's groundbreaking efforts to change our stupid educational system and to begin to experience the poetic basis of mind even in mathematics, even in arithmetic.

Because evolution endowed humans with a complement of ten fingers, a grouping size of ten seems natural to us, perhaps even ideal. But from the perspective of mathematics, groupings of ten are arbitrary, and can have serious shortcomings. Twelve would be…
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Finding Grandfather…

July 25

I AM YOUR GRANDFATHER...a dream and an essay...still worth reading...the experience was the subject of an NBC documentary some years ago...


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Must read as soon as possible…

July 24

Nancy MacLean's Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America.

The first clear and documented book on the emergence of totalitarian capitalism and why things are developing as they are both in the US and other "at risk" countries.
The author's work follows the accidental discovery of the secret papers of James McGill Buchanan (Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics 1986). It is his plans the Koch brothers and their "kin" are following to the letter. The book makes it possible to "see" what is going on. Buchanan argued that there is an inherent conflict between economic freedom for the wealthy and political liberty for the masses.

Now it's possible to see clearly why the face of American fascism will be unlike any previous form.

What Do Dream Animals Want of Us?

June 25

What Do Dream Animals Want of Us?
An Enterview with Russell Lockhart
robert s. henderson



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June 22


Out for the morning fast walk
I head for Crow Street as I call it
My name for the tree-lined block
On the eastern edge of the hospital
It's home for a "murder" of crows
[An absurd name for a flock!]
When I arrive and head north
They begin their raucous chorus
I watch one move from tree to tree
I'm used to this now and soon
He'll fly ahead and land facing me
And waits for me to catch up
As I do, he turns and hops
Alongside, looking at me
At the corner, I turn west
He takes off to the trees
I feel blessed. Blessed by a crow.

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Breakfast for the Soul

May 23


An old man with cane stands
facing the curb intently looking
down as if to step but does not

“Sometimes a small curb is
Mount Everest,” whimsy taking
hold. “Need a hand?”

“No, sir, I need a foot that works,
That does what I want it to. You
got one of those handy?” He smiles.

“You vote for Mr. Trump?” I ask
not intending to, but out it came.

“Yes, I did.

“And what do you think of him now?”

“I think he needs a brain that works.
I’ll be long gone before that happens.”

These unintended interactions on
the street on my early morning
walks are breakfast for the soul

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May 7


Always Dreaming won the Kentucky Derby.

Some nights before, I had a dream. The dream was the first line of the following poem. Each successive line came through an imaginal state I enter into for writing dream poems, that is, poems based on dreams. This dream is dark, darker beyond any conscious intention and fully belongs to the Ragnarökean images of recent dreams and experiences.

The Night Mare

The night mare will never reach the finish line

It is not a race you know

There is nothing to win

Only the soul of everything vital

Trampled asunder

All the pieces scattered

This is the end of the line

We are finished

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April 2



An essential text for our time is Guy Debord's "The Society of the Spectacle." We are all complicit in the spell of spectacle and it is making us sick. Debord's idea of "lived time," points the way to why I believe dreams are so crucial as the medicine for the future. Debord's book is available free at this link:

The Situationist International Text Library/The Society of the Spectacle

Self-proclaimed leader of the Situationist International, Guy Debord was certainly responsible for the longevity and high profile of Situationist ideas, although the equation of the SI with Guy Debord would be misleading. Brilliant but autocratic, Debord helped both unify situationist praxis and des...


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Villanelle for Ragnarök

March 27

The villanelle is a fixed poetic form consisting of nineteen lines. There are five sets of three lines (tercets) ending with a quatrain. There is also a fixed line relationship. The first and third line are repeated and the poem ends with these two lines. The villanelle began as a rustic, pastoral song and dance of peasants and other “outsiders.” The most famous villanelle is Dylan Thomas’ “Do not go gentle into that good night.” After nearly dying out, the villanelle has come back strongly and is popular among contemporary poets and lyricists. One of my favorites, is Frank Scott’s “Villanelle for Our Time,” made famous by Leonard Cohen [His YouTube version can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UzvVOy0Dq8].

My “Villanelle for Ragnarök” is a response to a dream that I initially recorded as a poem I called, “Welcome and toast, $5.99 a cup.” This dream-poem has haunted me as it points to a “final” Ragnarök, an image that becomes more and more compelling each day. Here is the dream-poem.

Welcome and toast, $5.99 a cup

The setting:

An anywhere, everywhere

living room middle crust

at best or no crust at all

The characters:

Strangers all, but known

to me; everyone friendly

not a party, but festal still

The hostess:

Black-gowned but all

eyes on the black earthen

cups, squatting on her tray

The drink:

Black too, Blavod it is

libation for night's time

black clay holding black

The toast

She says it costs $5.99

a cup for this final toast

just drink up and welcome


The dream tells me that the drink is Blavod. I did not consciously know this name, but in researching it, I discovered that it is black vodka—a triple distilled vodka infused with Catechu, an extract from the heartwood of Burmese catechu acacia trees. In legend, the acacia is associated with a number of Ragnarökean events, such as Noah’s Ark built from acacia wood as the world was engulfed in deluge. In a number of traditions, the acacia plays a crucial role in prophecy. It is often the wood of the “secret of secrets,” hence its use to construct the Ark of the Covenant. The burning bush from which God spoke to Moses, was acacia. So, in toasting the final Ragnarök, drinking vodka infused with burnt acacia feels apposite.

More recently, as part of immersing myself in Ragnarökean reflections, words came and formed themselves in lines and I saw that it was becoming a villanelle. I completed this in what I’ll call a Ragnarökean mood—a mood becoming more common. I may set this to a background beat and give it voice. Here are the words.

Villanelle for Ragnarök

Toasting Ragnarök

Facing full on the ending

Join in or sleepwalk

This is the last shock

We know not what is coming

Toasting Ragnarök

Time has left the clock

Raise your glass, join the singing

Join in or sleepwalk

You miss the sweet talk

That covered over everything

Toasting Ragnarök

No time left to mock

Those who called for the seeing

Join in or sleepwalk

Do you hear the knock?

The Coming Guest is asking

Toasting Ragnarök

Join in or sleepwalk

2017 Reality Parade

March 19

2017 Reality Parade

They say that three's a crowd, but not at a parade
Fewer floats this year too, serving only Kool-Aid
I hear the truth float didn't qualify, nor did justice
But the lies float is out front, bannered with "trust us"
It’s followed by a bomb float, bedecked in flowers
The third and last float, declaims great powers
It's loaded with women, all number tens
Their pulchritudinous abundance, announcing trends
Not for feeding babes, nor caring for the lame
Every value now trumped, by wealth and fame

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