Hi all,
I am posting a most important essay from blog member John Woodcock
entitled, DIVINE SERVICE: in a postmodern world. I encourage
everyone to read and story it.
Here is the link:
Life after death?
No stopping it
Dreams as disruptive technology
Down the drain
Hope is evil’s anvil
The bridge is love
Strange and weird experiences
Dart of destiny
The coming guest
A new type of religion
Could the god of greed die like Pan did?
The I Ching’s response
Faster than we thought it would
Dark matter and Jung’s dunkle Substanz
To metaphorize is to imagine
The failure of imagination
Is there an antidote?
Devouring ourselves
Celebrating the end
The necessity and purpose of humility
Epilogue: Paco Mitchell
Epilogue: Russell Lockhart
Dreams, Bones & the Future: Endings will be available soon.
Russ & Paco
Hi all,
COD Scene 34 has been posted.
Here is the direct link:
Russ, Paco, Owl Man and Heron Man
My Photoshop rendering of the dream image is more or less as I experienced it in the dream. The dream voice announced the title: Angel Hidden by Rothko-like Squares. I have been aware of Rothko’s paintings of color fields for a long time as well as what he said he was trying to express by them. But I had never experienced the idea that they were “hiding” something because the whole purpose of his work was to “reveal” not so much what was behind the paintings as what was in “front” that we could not see. His more abstract paintings are subject to a different sense, and these may be more about revealing something emerging from behind.
But the dream comes with an idea that is opposite what has been in my consciousness. Of course, this is often the case with dreams. I do not feel comfortable calling this “my” unconscious idea. To me, it makes more sense to think of this as the idea of someone “other.” An other who makes itself known to me through the dream from some “elsewhere” than my conscious mind. This “otherness” is compelling to me and I take such experiences as tasks or instructions or teachings.
Of course, I spent some time re-looking at Rothko’s work. My intention was see his fields of color as hiding angels. But soon realized the dream was pointing to “something else.” It was not saying that Rothko’s color fields were hiding angels. The angel was hiding behind Rothko-like squares. Of course, Rothko set in motion an expressive movement of artists who took up the exploration of color and geometry. A good sample of such painters is available at
I am aware, of course, of the impulse that wants to unhide the angel, to see the angel, to find out all about the angel, why it’s hiding and all those sorts of questions that begin to flood one’s consciousness. Questions. Wanting answers. Now. But then another sense of things entered. Let the angel be. Let it hide. As if I had anything to do with it hiding in the first place. It was not “mine” to allow anything. But as this feeling took over, I felt some degree of humility. I stepped back. I tamped down my urge to see, to know, to relate to the angel.
I spent time trying to be with the image. Just with it. Just with the angel hidden by Rothko-like squares.
This article is a different perspective on the looming apocalypse, up close and
personal as the old TV line goes. The article is entitled On Apocalypse Art,
Climate Divination, and "the Blob." The Blob came out in 1958, before many
of you were born. I was not yet 20 when I saw it, though my memory has me
seeing it as a 10-year old. I guess watching it brought on a child state.
The article is subtitled, "Molly Gallentine's Summer of Professionally
Contemplating he End of Humanity."
Read this article slowly and let it in.
Here is the link:
Here is the direct link:
Well worth your time.