May 16

The alternate reality virus continues to spread unabated.
I eagerly look for what might counter this infection and find nothing.
There is no treatment. There is no vaccine mental or otherwise.
Everyone is at risk of the virus itself or its consequences from others.

Below is One One of my reflections. In Part Two, I'll continue to explore
the consequences of this plague and what, if anything, one can do in the
face of it.

The Alternative Reality Virus (ARV): Part One

The ancient Rule of Three enables an understanding of things more than when attention has a singular focus.

For example, right now, most everyone is focused on the pandemic caused by the Corona Virus. What else is going on synchronously? One thing is the financial fallout from the pandemic, which is causing economic harm on a large scale at all levels (countries, corporations, small businesses, individuals). Countries and central banks are scrambling to bring economic relief before the world-wide economy spirals into recession, or deeper into depression. As bracing as these realities are, my sense is they may pale in light of what I will call the “alternate reality” virus (ARV).

As background, I encourage you to read a sample of my work on this, in blog posts entitled, "They Say," “Return to Normal?,” “Collapse,” “Mind Parasites.” and “The Meaning of Not Human.” You can access these pieces here:

My work on the "Trump" pieces has followed from an overflow of inchoate intimations concerning the present state of the world and its future. At all levels, I see the regressive pull of the past, from wanting to return to some prior glory to trying to understand the present situation through the vehicles of past understanding. We cannot go back and we cannot understand the future while looking backward. We can only open ourselves to witnessing the full horror that is happening in and to the world, in and to human beings, in and to the rest of life on earth. There is an enormous fear of and loathing for the strange, for otherness, for difference, for incongruity, for disparity, for doubt—all those qualities that Keats pointed to as characterizing "negative capability." If we don't welcome these things, as Baucis and Philemon welcomed the "strangers who were gods," then we will experience the fate of the villagers who locked the doors, who sent the strangers away, who did not welcome the divine visitors? Their fate was to die in a great flood, leaving only the generous-hearted Baucis and Philemon alive. And, yes, I am aware of the irony of referring "back" to Baucis and Philemon. It's like the "hope" left in Pandora's box. My deeper intuition, however, is that hope is gone as well. "Something else" is in store. Of this, I am convinced.

Mental viruses such the ARV are contagious almost beyond comprehension, particularly with the mechanisms of the internet enabling the spread in unpredictable and unstoppable ways. There is no sure way to diagnose ARV, there is no way to stop it, and there is no treatment. Some regular features of ARV are the denial of reality, the denial of facts, denial of truth, certainty and conviction of the truth of conspiracies, a mounting degree of emotional intensity leading to absolute intolerance of anything and everything outside the bubble created by the ARV.

The ARV disables rational thought and excites emotional reactions beyond normal boundaries and advocates physical actions to force the alternate realities on everyone, including violence and willful law-breaking.

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, embodies all of these features of the ARV and is a prime example of the disorder and destruction that follows from the combination of power and infection with ARV.

The ARV is a normal feature of human behavior, limited generally to a small percentage of the population. But ARV, like all viruses, mutates and has the potential of becoming more infectious leading to large numbers of carriers as well as those exhibiting full-blown symptoms of the ARV. One can be a carrier as well as suffering the consequences of infection without any realization of this. Generally, self-reflection is one of the first casualties of infection. Without self-reflection, consciousness becomes increasingly degraded and becomes a casualty of the infection. Impenetrable unconsciousness then becomes the dominant feature. When this is so, any form of rational argument or persuasion becomes ineffective.

Social attraction of those infected by ARV increases, so that further loss of individuality becomes another casualty. Groups ensure even further infection of ARV until mass-mindedness becomes complete. When mass-mindedness becomes coupled with power in the form of organization, money, politics, etc., the degree of collective damage that results can be extreme. This can become a factor in societal and cultural collapse.

In Part Two, I will take up the issue of what can be done—if anything— to lessen the power of those infected with ARV and to limit the damage that is inevitable if ARV is unchecked.