July 11

The collapse of fixity and the rise of fluidity puts everyone "at sea" and faced with the consequent loss of stability of most everything. Blog member John Woodcock references this in his comment on the recent blog post by George Mecouch, entitled, "Why Not Ask for a Dream?"

From John Woodcock:

Very interesting dreams to read and also a relief to hear that they are being taken seriously. I have seen some videos of COVID nightmares and the predominant professional advice seems to be how to reduce the nightmares, even stop them, not to seek their wisdom. 
The dreams seem to highlight the supreme danger of “fixing” or reifying the source of evil (whether as the COVID or men in suits, wolves of Wall Street, or whatever). “Ellen” is caught in a vicious and violent cycle with “an ancient evil force” i.e. caught in the processes of the psyche until she is stopped by the little girl so that she can be taught “ strategy and math” via the game of Othello,. If you just saw the game without knowing the rules, you would see a very mysterious fluid process of discs flipping from black to white, etc.—a simplified version of what “Ellen” was going through with the “evil force”. She has to learn the rules (make conscious) of being in such a fluid state—they are not the same as the rules of materialism or fixed reality. And I will add we are ALL having to learn the rules of this new mode of being, i.e. with reality increasingly becoming fluid, not fixed—the reality of the imagination, if you like.

The whole notion of evil now has to be reworked but we still collectively and obsessively search for a fixed source of the evil causing the strife in the world (target zero or the virus or Trump’s pathology, corporations, etc.) It may well be that the attempt to “fix” or reify (any aspect of) fluid reality may ITSELF be the source of evil now. “Ellen” pursues this notion of a fixed source of evil and so finds an anvil. The dreamer seems to believe that its putrefying sickness could be strengthened by others (by the habit of reifying what needs to be kept fluid?) so she single-handedly decides to take it up in her arms and carry it away. In doing so she feels its unbearable weight. This dream fact may be a clue or hint for the dreamer and us.

Fixing evil into an “entity” becomes an unbearable weight (of responsibility or guilt?). And of course there is the precision of that image as an ANVIL to consider too. The word springs from a meaning of “beating”—Ellen's “vicious and violent cycles”? Is this what happens when we attempt to fix meaning or reify the psyche? We get beaten on?

Our times point to a breakdown in a fixed stable reality (the reality of opposites) in favour of a more fluid reality that has come upon us and we all must learn its “strategy and math” in order to synchronize with it rather than getting beaten on by its insistence.