May 6

In response to my post entitled "Tipping Point" that accompanied the link to the film The Century of the Self," someone asked me if I really felt that the coming election was more important than the election of 1860. This is my reply, which may be of general interest.

Thanks for your question, Roberto. As you imply, the election of 1860 is often considered the most important election in US history and particularly so in retrospect. As everyone knows, Lincoln was nominated by the Republicans, Douglas by the Democrats, and several other parties also contested. The Republican platform was not opposed to slavery as such but only opposed extending slavery to the territories. The Democratic platform supported the idea that each area of the country should decide for itself about slavery. The underlying issue here was not slavery per se, but the competing economic implications of slavery.

I think it fair to say that all the presidential candidates were honorable and competent men. The different outcomes if others had been elected have been the subject of much speculation. The ordinary understanding is that Lincoln saved the country from splitting and freed the slaves. A fair reading of events since the Civil War, reveals the splitting of the country has only taken more nefarious forms, as has the so-called “freeing” of the slaves. Racial equality is still very much a dream in this country all these years later.

Yes, I do feel this coming election is the most important in our country’s history. Part of the reason for feeling this is that the coming times will be the most challenging to humans in their entire history. I’m referring not only to the racial issues, the divided country issues, the inequality issues, and all the rest of the political, social, and economic issues but to the developing crises of climate change, societal collapse, and human extinction. Facing these congeries of issues will require the best efforts that humans can bring to these issues. People of high competence will be needed to face and deal with complexities beyond imagining.

The problem is that the alternate-reality virus is spreading unchecked and may well lead to the re-election of the most incompetent person ever to hold the office. Given the demands of the coming times, this election may lead to a catastrophic degree of human suffering (already underway) even before the events that are looming come about. Leaders will need to call on the best that humans are capable of to realize the best ways to live when life itself is threatened and becomes lost.