August 20

Yesterday, a colleague sent me a fictive piece in response to my final Ragnarök dream and poem (search the blog for the dream and poem). Last night I had a dream that was very responsive to the piece I had received. In this dream, the setting was like a Lewis Carrol illustration. A caterpillar and a cockroach were dining in an elegant restaurant and were there for an important conversation on, according to the dream, "The True Meaning of Cli Mate Change." The breaking of the word climate into cli and mate was particularly clear. The whole situation reminded me of the film, My Dinner with Andre. In view of my work on the "fictive purpose of dreams," one of the things I am doing with this dream is to work with it in a fictive way. This opens the possibility of working with the issues of "climate change" in a way that I have not done yet. Where this will lead, I do not know, until I do it, but here is the first paragraph of what I have done so far.

The Conversation

Caterpillar and Roach were dining as usual at Cafe Infesta. The maître d?, whose name was Alonzo, bowed gracefully at the pair if such can be said of a grasshopper. The Cafe Infesta did not offer menus, but customers were served individual offerings following a brief interview by Alonzo. Alonzo’s questions were “off the wall” one might say. Caterpillar had been asked, “How many pins can dance on a sunflower?” “Nine,” Caterpillar had answered, mustering as much authority as a caterpillar might. “Ah then, it’s Scubalicious Number 7 for you this evening.” Turning to Roach, Alonzo inquired, “What can a brace never embrace?” “The hearkening angel,” Roach replied, not missing a beat. “For you then, my six-legged friend, I’ll ask Chef Andrade to prepare Tripilisticous in Octopus Ink. As for the wine, something to surprise you: a 1947 Mystica Gewürztraminer. As for dessert, Chef Andrade is in the midst of inventing a celebratory perfection that will be the talk of the town. And now, gentlemen I will leave you to your conversation on “The True Meaning of Cli Mate Change.”