June 28
I had a dream last night: I saw the title page of my new novel.
The title is The Re-Education of Eddie Morgenstern.
This may be been inspired by a novel I have been reading.
written in first person (something I've not done) by Freida
McFadden is now the top-selling novelist. As I read it I feel
strong impulses "to write."
I asked AI (co-pilot) what it knows about this title. Here is the response:
It seems there might be a mix-up here! The film you’re referring to is titled “The Re-Education of Molly Singer,” not Eddie Morgenstern. Directed by Andy Palmer and starring Britt Robertson, the movie follows a young lawyer who goes undercover by enrolling as a freshman at her old alma mater to help her boss’s awkward teenage son. 
So, I guess AI doesn't know my next novel even though my dream intelligence does. This sparked an impulse to write an essay on DI (dream intelligence in relatiion to artificial intelligence).
Then I told AI, that the title came from a dream, Here is how AI responded:
The Re-Education of Eddie Morgensterns: is from a dream

Ah, I see! Dreams can be fascinating sources of inspiration. Let’s delve into the dreamlike world of “The Re-Education of Eddie Morgenstern.” ??

The Re-Education of Eddie Morgenstern

In the hazy twilight of Eddie Morgenstern’s subconscious, reality blurred with imagination. The edges of his existence softened, and he found himself in a place that defied logic—a school unlike any other.

The corridors stretched infinitely, their walls adorned with chalkboard equations that whispered secrets to those who dared listen. Eddie wandered, his footsteps echoing through the empty halls. Each door he opened revealed a classroom where forgotten knowledge danced like fireflies.

In one room, ancient philosophers debated the nature of existence. Socrates scribbled proofs on the blackboard, while Confucius sipped tea and pondered the meaning of virtue. Eddie sat among them, absorbing wisdom that transcended time.

Down another hallway, he stumbled upon a library with books that pulsed with energy. Their titles shifted—Quantum Mechanics for Dreamers, The Art of Levitation, Navigating Parallel Universes. Eddie reached for a volume titled Dream Syntax: A User’s Guide, but it slipped through his fingers like smoke.

And then, at the heart of this dream-school, he met the enigmatic Professor Hypnos. With eyes like constellations, Hypnos taught Eddie the language of dreams—the syntax of starlight, the grammar of moonbeams. Eddie learned to rewrite his own narrative, to unlearn and relearn.

As dawn approached, Eddie stood at the threshold of awakening. Professor Hypnos whispered, “Remember, Eddie, reality is just a dream you’ve all agreed upon.” And with that, Eddie stepped back into the waking world, carrying the echoes of forgotten equations and the promise of re-education.

Whether Eddie Morgenstern’s dream becomes a novel or remains a secret whispered to the night, it’s a tale worth exploring. If you’d like more glimpses into this dream-realm, feel free to ask! ???

What is your response to this?

Will this response from AI affect my writing on Eddie Morgenstern?

This is why I want to write about DI.
